The Rough Guide to Bangkok

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"The Rough Guide to Bangkok" is the ultimate travel guide to this frenetic city with clear maps and detailed coverage of all the best Bangkok attractions. From the royal temples and palaces of Ratanakos to the vibrant weekend market at Chatuchakwith, the hushed golden temples and ultra-hip designer boutiques, discover Bangkok`s highlights inspired by dozens of colour photos. You can find detailed historical coverage of the must-see sights and practical advice on getting around the city whilst relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels, bars, clubs, shops and restaurants for all budgets. "The Rough Guide to Bangkok" includes two full-colour sections on Bangkok by boat and Thai cuisine and a crucial language section with basic words, phrases and handy tips for pronunciation. You`ll find up-to-date information on excursions around the city, including trips to the grandiose ruins of Ayutthaya and the war sights along the River Kwai. Yo ucan explore every corner of Bangkok with clear maps and expert backgound on everything from contemporary art to Thai Buddhism. You can make the most of your holiday with "The Rough Guide to Bangkok".

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Rough Guide Bangkok


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The Rough Guide to Bangkok
