CMOS Electronics: How It Works, How It Fails

该资源由用户: 凤凰院怡嘉 上传  举报不良内容

Wiley + IEEE Press, 2004, 348 pages, ISBN: 04714766920CMOS manufacturing environments are surrounded with symptoms that can indicate serious test, design, or reliability problems, which, in turn, can affect the financial as well as the engineering bottom line. This book educates readers, including non-engineers involved in CMOS manufacture, to identify and remedy these causes. This book instills the electronic knowledge that affects not just design but other important areas of manufacturing such as test, reliability, failure analysis, yield-quality issues, and problems.Designed specifically for the many non-electronic engineers employed in the semiconductor industry who need to reliably manufacture chips at a high rate in large quantities, this is a practical guide to how CMOS electronics work, how failures occur, and how to diagnose and avoid them.Key features:Builds a grasp of the basic electronics of CMOS integrated circuits and then leads the reader further to understand the mechanisms of failure.Unique descriptions of circuit failure mechanisms, some found previously only in research papers and others new to this publication.Targeted to the CMOS industry (or students headed there) and not a generic introduction to the broader field of electronics.Examples, exercises, and problems are provided to support the self-instruction of the reader.CMOS FundamentalsElectrical Circuit AnalysisSemiconductor Physics MOSFET Transistors CMOS Basic Gates CMOS Basic CircuitsFailure Modes, Defects, and Testing of CMOS ICsFailure Mechanisms in CMOS IC Materials Bridging Defects Open Defects Parametric Failures Defect-Based Testing

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How CMOS Electronics Works Fails


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CMOS Electronics: How It Works, How It Fails
