Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process

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A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile ProcessThe Single-Source, Comprehensive Guide to Scrum for All Team Members, Managers, and ExecutivesIf you want to use Scrum to develop innovative products and services that delight your customers, Essential Scrum is the complete, single-source reference you’ve been searching for. Leading Scrum coach and trainer Kenny Rubin illuminates the values, principles, and practices of Scrum, and describes flexible, proven approaches that can help you implement it far more effectively.Whether you are new to Scrum or years into your use, this book will introduce, clarify, and deepen your Scrum knowledge at the team, product, and portfolio levels. Drawing from Rubin’s experience helping hundreds of organizations succeed with Scrum, this book provides easy-to-digest descriptions enhanced by more than two hundred illustrations based on an entirely new visual icon language for describing Scrum’s roles, artifacts, and activities.Essential Scrum will provide every team member, manager, and executive with a common understanding of Scrum, a shared vocabulary they can use in applying it, and practical knowledge for deriving maximum value from it.

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Essential Scrum Practical Guide Most Popular Agile Process


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Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process
