Dynamic Changes in Marine Ecosystems: Fishing, Food Webs, and Future Options

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Recent scientific literature has raised many concerns about whether fisheries have caused more extensive changes to marine populations and ecosystems than previously realized or predicted. In many cases, stocks have been exploited far beyond management targets, and new analyses indicate that fishing has harmed other species - including marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles, and sea grasses - either directly through catch or habitat damage, or indirectly through changes in food-web interactions. At the request of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Research Council conducted an independent study to weigh the collective evidence for fishery-induced changes to marine ecosystems and the implications of the findings for U.S. fisheries management. "Dynamic Changes in Marine Ecosystems" provides comprehensive information in regard to these findings.

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Dynamic Changes Marine Ecosystems Fishing Food Webs Future Options


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Dynamic Changes in Marine Ecosystems: Fishing, Food Webs, and Future Options
