3ds max Lighting

该资源由用户: 天际雪山 上传  举报不良内容

Because good lighting is so critical to the final look of your shot, an understanding of how lighting works and how to use the available lighting tools is essential. 3ds max Lighting begins with a discussion of lighting principles and color theory and provides an introduction to the tools in 3ds max, finishing with a number of tutorials demonstrating the application of both 3ds max tools and lighting concepts. Throughout, the emphasis is on making your lighting believable, accurate, and pleasing to the eye.# Understand the process of creating realistic and efficient lighting using the tools in 3ds max, including standard lights, mental ray lights, and photometric lights.# Enhance the emotional impact of your scenes through the use of angles, colors, shadows, light sources, and atmospheric conditions.# Discover how to add effects such as radiosity, caustics, volume lights, and lens flares.# Learn about the various shadow types available in 3ds max and the situations for which they are suitable.# Achieve your lighting goals through the practical application of lighting principles and color theory.

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3ds max Lighting


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3ds max Lighting
