Focus On 3D Models

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No matter where you turn in the world of gaming, you`re bound to notice the rapidly increasing use of 3D. If you`re serious about game programming, you must understand the world of 3D modeling. Focus On 3D Models is the guide you need for doing just that! This is the only book on the market that gives game programmers a comprehensive guide to the most popular 3D modeling file formats. You`ll also get coverage of foundational material such as mathematics, skeletal animation, and more. Even if you know nothing about 3D character animation when you start, by the end of the book you will be able to work with all the popular file formats, write readers, and animate the meshes in real time in your applications. For maximum benefit, you must have experience with C++, know how to create a rudimentary 3D engine, and have an understanding of algebra and trigonometry.

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Focus 3D Models


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Focus On 3D Models
