工程建设项目招标采购理论与实践 (Theory and Practice in Construction Biddings and Purchases)

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A tendering is a negotiating process for a contract through by a tendered issuing an invitation, bidders submitting bidding documents and the tendered accepting a bidding by sending out a noti?¬Ѓcation of award. It is a main measure for completing market economy in China. According to laws and new regulations, rulers and codes new issued, this book introduces fundamental knowledge and techniques in theory and practice for a construction contract by bids, such as those of macro-economic policies, investing and constructing management, the tendering and bidding law with its regulations and how to compile a quali?¬Ѓcation document for a designing, consulting, constructing, purchasing project or a corporate body of a project management. By Smarandache multi-spaces, a mathematical evaluation model for bids is established and examples are included. The Tendering and Bidding Law of China, 5 regulations related and 100 answers for tendering and bidding in China can be found in the attachment. It is referable to researchers on theory or persons working in purchasing and students in universities.

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Theory Practice Construction Biddings Purchases 建设项目 招标 实践 采购 工程


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工程建设项目招标采购理论与实践 (Theory and Practice in Construction Biddings and Purchases)
