Jim Blinns Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation

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The third entry in the Jim Blinn`s Corner series, this is, like the others, a handy compilation of selected installments of his influential column. But here, for the first time, you get the ``Director`s Cut`` of the articles: revised, expanded, and enhanced versions of the originals. What`s changed? Improved mathematical notation, more diagrams, new solutions. What remains the same? All the things you`ve come to rely on: straight answers, irreverent style, and innovative thinking. This is Jim Blinn at his best-now even better. Highlights- Features 21 expanded and updated installments of ``Jim Blinn`s Corner,`` dating from 1995 to 2001, and never before published in book form.- Includes ``deleted scenes``-tangential explorations that didn`t make it into the original columns.- Details how Blinn represented planets in his famous JPL flyby animations.- Explores a wide variety of other topics, from the concrete to the theoretical: assembly language optimization for parallel processors, exotic usage of C++ template instantiation, algebraic geometry, a graphical notation for tensor contraction, and his hopes for a future world. *Features 21 expanded and updated installments of ``Jim Blinn`s Corner,`` dating from 1995 to 2001, and never before published in book form.*Includes ``deleted scenes``-tangential explorations that didn`t make it into the original columns.*Details how Blinn represented planets in his famous JPL flyby animations.*Explores a wide variety of other topics, from the concrete to the theoretical: assembly language optimization for parallel processors, exotic usage of C++ template instantiation, algebraic geometry, a graphical notation for tensor contraction, and his hopes for a future world

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Notation Jim Blinns Corner


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Jim Blinns Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation
