The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons From the Greatest Speeches in History

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Being a great public speaker can put you on the pathway to success, whether you`re looking to teach, inform, persuade, or defend an idea. Yet many of us live in fear of public speaking. We experience stage fright or believe that speeches are best left to those with more intuitive talent. But nothing could be further from the truth.As you`ll learn in these 12 invaluable lectures, all it takes is confidence, practice, and the knowledge of techniques and strategies used by history`s greatest public speakers, from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King, Jr.This insider`s look at public speaking shows you three key components to help you succeed in any situation: How to prepare for public speaking: Learn from Patrick Henry and others how to overcome stage fright, control your voice, use humor, and personalize your delivery. How to craft a great speech: Learn how to build captivating speeches from people such as Susan B. Anthony and how to use stories, examples, logic, and impressive visual images. How to handle your audience: Learn from Gandhi and others how to focus on your audience, invite them to share your vision, and inspire them to change.Whether you want to finally become the confident public speaker you`ve always wanted to be or are just looking for fresh advice on how to strengthen your skills, this inspiring course is packed with practical advice to help you learn one of the most important skills in your personal and professional life.©2010 The Teaching Company, LLC (P)2010 The Great Courses

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Art Public Speaking Lessons Greatest Speeches History


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The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons From the Greatest Speeches in History
