Jim Dator: A Noticer in Time: Selected work, 1967-2018

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This book features a selection of the published writings and public presentations of Jim Dator. Most of the chapters are directly concerned with futures studies and ideas about the futures. The topic covers many disciplines and subjects. It is also concerned with many different parts of the world, even Mars. In addition, a few of the earlier papers contained here are about more conventional topics in politics and religion.The collection spans a more than 50 year period of thought, reflection, and instruction. In particular, the papers examine six main topics. These include meditations on the very nature of future studies, visions of preferred futures, ideas about alternative futures, and details on future theories and methods. Coverage also considers such specific topics as AI and robots, the environment, food, culture, energy, families, future generations, and more.Overall, these papers help readers gain insight into what it takes to weave together alternative images of the future in useful ways. They also reveal cross-disciplinary patterns in key fields of human endeavor that will help readers better understand trends and emerging issues.

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Jim Dator Noticer Time Selected work 1967 2018


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Jim Dator: A Noticer in Time: Selected work, 1967-2018
