Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition (Morris,Kidney Transplantation)

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Updated to reflect today`s practice guidelines, the new edition of this comprehensive text remains the definitive resource on all aspects of renal transplantation, including immunological, pathological, psychological and ethical considerations. It examines evaluation, management, and procurement of living and deceased donor kidneys, the selection of suitable recipients, interpretation of graft dysfunction, and expected survival based upon a large database of information. There are comprehensive chapters on pediatric renal transplantation and on renal transplantation in the developing world. Extensive tables and figures and comprehensive lists of references with each chapter enhance its value to the transplant team. A multidisciplinary approach from internationally renowned contributors from around the world-many new to this edition-offers practice-applicable guidance for all members of the transplant team, with coverage encompassing applied science, clinical information, and surgical procedures. This 6th edition remains the balanced reference you need to stay apprised of issues important to successful kidney transplantation.Provides a comprehensive description of surgical techniques, immunosuppressive methods, outcomes, risks, and medical considerations related to kidney transplantation, both in adults and children, in one convenient reference.Presents more than 335 superb illustrations-50 in full color-that demonstrate key concepts and nuances of techniques.Features a multidisciplinary approach from contributors from around the world-many new to this edition-offers practice-applicable guidance for all members of the transplant team, with coverage encompassing applied science, clinical information, and surgical procedures. Offers evidence-based decision making advice in renal transplantation-supported by a wealth of data in chapters written by internationally recognized experts-to help you make the most informed clinical decisions.Offers new tables and figures as well as revised and updated chapters that report new data and present current practice guidelines. Features a new chapter on transplantation in the sensitized patient to assist you with transplant cases that present unique challenges.Describes the latest preclinical and clinical immunosuppressive strategies, to help you see the link between clinical issues and the basic sciences. Offers tissue typing methodology updates, equipping you with the newest methods of assessing immune responses to the kidney.Features a new chapter on chronic allograft nephropathy.

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Kidney Transplantation Principles Practice 6th Edition Morris


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Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition (Morris,Kidney Transplantation)
