Expert Android Studio

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Take your Android programming skills to the next level by unleashing the potential of Android StudioExpert Android Studio bridges the gap between your Android programing skills with the provided tools including Android Studio, NDK, Gradle and Plugins for IntelliJ Idea Platform. Packed with best practices and advanced tips and techniques on Android tools, development cycle, continuos integration, release management, testing, and performance, this book offers professional guidance to experienced developers who want to push the boundaries of the Android platform with the developer tools. Youll discover how to use the tools and techniques to unleash your true potential as a developer. Discover the basics of working in Android Studio and Gradle, as well as the application architecture of the latest Android platformUnderstand Native Development Kit and its integration with Android StudioComplete your development lifecycle with automated tests, dependency management, continuos integration and release managementWriting your own Gradle plugins to customize build cycleWriting your own plugins for Android Studio to help your development tasks.Expert Android Studio is a tool for expert and experienced developers who want to learn how to make use of the tools while creating Android applications for use on mobile devices.

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Expert Android Studio


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Expert Android Studio
