5 3 1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System to Increase Raw Strength

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The success of the 5/3/1 Method has been nothing short of extraordinary. For the past year, the response towards this simple but brutally effective training system has been overwhelming. This is because it works. And works for just about anyone willing to put in the discipline and work that getting stronger requires Elite level lifters to absolute beginners have all used the 5/3/1 Method; the basic tenets of strength training have and will never change. Big exercises, constant progress, and personal records will never go out of style. High school and college coaches are now using the 5/3/1 with their athletes with amazing success; it is easy to track, implement and will inspire any team to push for themselves to the limit. Powerlifters use this program, for both raw meets and geared meets.

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Simplest Most Effective Training System Increase Raw Strength


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5 3 1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System to Increase Raw Strength
