Restful Web API Patterns and Practices Cookbook (Fifth Early Release)

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Many organizations today orchestrate and maintain apps that rely on other people`s services. Software designers, developers, and architects in those companies often work to coordinate and maintain apps based on existing microservices, including third-party services that run outside their ecosystem. This cookbook provides proven recipes to help you get those many disparate parts to work together in your network.Author Mike Amundsen provides step-by-step solutions for finding, connecting, and maintaining applications designed and built by people outside the organization. Whether you`re working on human-centric mobile apps or creating high-powered machine-to-machine solutions, this guide shows you the rules, routines, commands, and protocols--the glue--that integrates individual microservices so they can function together in a safe, scalable, and reliable way.Design and build individual microservices that can successfully interact on the open webIncrease interoperability by designing services that share a common understandingBuild client applications that can adapt to evolving services without breakingCreate resilient and reliable microservices that support peer-to-peer interactions on the webUse web-based service registries to support runtime "find-and-bind" operations that manage external dependencies in real timeImplement stable workflows to accomplish complex, multiservice tasks consistently

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Restful Web API Patterns Practices Cookbook Fifth Early Release


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Restful Web API Patterns and Practices Cookbook (Fifth Early Release)
