Atlas of Organ Transplantation

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This book-DVD presents a picture and video atlas of organ transplantation that provides a unique and complete presentation of procedures performed by transplant surgeons today. The emphasis is on contemporary procedures, as the field has undergone significant surgical innovation in the last five to ten years. Detailed schematic diagrams and high-quality photographs of the operative procedures provide enhanced visual clarity. Written descriptions, accompanied by a video presentation with detailed narration, present realistic and complete exposure of the operative procedure. A comprehensive compilation of the majority of surgical procedures in transplant surgery, this book details the latest and most innovative procedures in one reference work. “Atlas of Organ Transplantation” is essential reading for all transplant surgeons, residents and fellows, as well as operating room nurses and transplant nurse coordinators.

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大小: 24.8 MB
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Atlas Organ Transplantation


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Atlas of Organ Transplantation
