Never Refuse a Sheikh

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When the sheikh claims a wife, she cannot refuse … Altair is a man perfectly in control both of himself and the power he wields as regent of Al Harah. Yet in order to retain his stronghold on the country he loves, he must wed a princess wilder than the Bedouin tribe she was raised in. A princess who only has one word for him: no. Princess Safira knows what freedom means and it isn’t a palace or a crown. Neither does it mean being told what to do by a man with more ice in his veins than blood. Safira is innocent in the ways of men, but the heat in Altair’s gaze calls to a deep, unclaimed part of her soul she cannot deny. Altair seems hellbent on civilizing her, but she’s not so easily tamed. Especially not when she can sense the wildness that lives in him….

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Never Refuse Sheikh


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Never Refuse a Sheikh
