Managing Investment Portfolios Workbook: A Dynamic Process (CFA Institute Investment Series)

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In the Third Edition of Managing Investment Portfolios, financial experts John Maginn, Donald Tuttle, Jerald Pinto, and Dennis McLeavey provide complete coverage of the most important issues surrounding modern portfolio management.Now, in Managing Investment Portfolios Workbook, Third Edition, they offer you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will solidify your understanding of the tools and techniques associated with this discipline. This comprehensive study guide--which parallels the main book chapter by chapter--contains challenging problems and a complete set of solutions as well as concise learning outcome statements and summary overviews.Topics reviewed include:The portfolio management process and the investment policy statementManaging individual and institutional investor portfoliosCapital market expectations, fixed income, equity, and alternative investment portfolio managementMonitoring and rebalancing a portfolioGlobal investment performance standards

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Investment Managing Portfolios Workbook Dynamic Process CFA Institute Series


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Managing Investment Portfolios Workbook: A Dynamic Process (CFA Institute Investment Series)
