AngularJS Directives Cookbook: Extend the capabilities of AngularJS and build dynamic web applications by creating customized directives with this selection of more than 30 recipes

该资源由用户: 星熊玉山 上传  举报不良内容

AngularJS directives are at the center of what makes it such an exciting – and important - web development framework. With directives, you can take greater control over HTML elements on your web pages – they ‘direct` Angular`s HTML compiler to behave in the way you want it to. It makes building modern web applications a much more expressive experience, and allows you to focus more closely on improving the way that user interaction impacts the DOM and the way your app manages data. If you`re already using Angular, you probably recognize the power of directives to transform the way you understand and build your projects – but customizing and creating your own directives to harness AngularJS to its full potential can be more challenging. This cookbook shows you how to do just that – it`s a valuable resource that demonstrates how to use directives at every stage in the workflow. Packed with an extensive range of solutions and tips that AngularJS developers shouldn`t do without, you`ll find out how to make the most of directives. You`ll find recipes demonstrating how to build a number of different user interface components with directives, so you can take complete control over how users interact with your application. You`ll also learn how directives can simplify the way you work by creating reusable directives – by customizing them with Yeoman you can be confident that you`re application has the robust architecture that forms the bedrock of the best user experiences. You`ll also find recipes that will help you learn how to unit test directives, so you can be confident in the reliability and performance of your application.

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AngularJS Directives Cookbook Extend capabilities build dynamic web applications creating


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AngularJS Directives Cookbook: Extend the capabilities of AngularJS and build dynamic web applications by creating customized directives with this selection of more than 30 recipes
