The Multiplying Church: The New Math for Starting New Churches

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The Multiplying Church is a primer for pastors and lay leaders involved in, or wanting to learn about, the church multiplication groundswell in North America. It shows how multiplying churches should be a natural, regular function of every church to reach the 70 percent of Americans who have no meaningful church relationship. Detailing the stories and guiding principles of this dramatic growth, this guide offers insight on: * Why churches are multiplying in the East but not in the West * Keys to church multiplication * The missing link--pregnant mother churches * Antioch vs. Jerusalem: Which got it right? * What kind of churches should we start? * What is the end game of church planting? * How big does a church have to be to start multiplying churches? * Church planting movements or Jesus movements? Bob Roberts helps us return to an early-church model of multiplication where a single church sent laypeople out to plant other communities of believers.

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New Multiplying Church Math Starting Churches


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The Multiplying Church: The New Math for Starting New Churches
