Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot)

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Uploaded on zlibrary by MARK TCCLASSIC FICTION (PRE C 1945). A boxed set of the three books that have been confirmed in a popular vote as the World`s Favourite Agatha Christie novels. In a worldwide poll to mark the Queen of Crime`s 125th birthday on 15 September 2015, three books stood out as clear favourites amongst Christie fans past and present. And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie`s 1939 standalone novel, was voted the World`s Favourite Christie, collecting 21% of more than 15,000 votes cast. The runners up were Murder on the Orient Express with 15% and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - one of Christie`s personal favourites - with nearly 10%. Voters were asked to choose their favourite title from the full Christie canon via And Then There Were None was Agatha Christie`s most successful book. With over 100 million copies sold worldwide, it is also the bestselling crime novel of all time.

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Murder Orient Express Poirot


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Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot)
