C# Primer Plus

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C# Primer Plus teaches the C# programming language and relevant parts of the .NET platform from the ground up, walking you through the basics of object-oriented programming, important programming techniques and problem solving while providing a thorough coverage of C#`s essential elements - such as classes, objects, data types, loops, branching statements, arrays, and namespaces. In early chapters guided tours take you sightseeing to the main attractions of C# and provide a fast learning-path that enables you to quickly write simple C# programs. Your initial programming skills are then gradually expanded, through the many examples, case studies, illustrations, review questions and programming exercises, to include powerful concepts - like inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces and exception handling, along with C#`s most innovative features - such as properties, indexers, delegates and events. With C# Primer Plus`s dual emphasis on C# as well as fundamental programming techniques, this friendly tutorial will soon make you a proficient C# programmer building Windows applications on the .NET platform.

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C# Primer Plus


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C# Primer Plus
