Raw Power

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They fought for their country. Now they fight for you. To find the people lost in the shadows, you need the men who live in them. The former soldiers of 11th Hour are unaffiliated, unacknowledged, and definitely illegal. They protect the innocent, destroy the guilty—and capture hearts along the way . . . Rugged, skilled, and hard-bodied, Jack King`s whole life was the Marines until an injury left him discharged from active duty. But he finds a new purpose when he`s recruited by a special unit that employs ex-military to do very special jobs. Yet he`s not impressed when his first assignment is babysitting the pretty, perfect daughter of a politician—especially when she`s far from the angel she appears to be . . . Callie Hawthorne hates politics, and she hates playing the part of a senator`s goody two shoes daughter even more. It only gets worse when her father decides she needs a security detail 24/7—and the...

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Raw Power


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Raw Power
