The Genetic Gods: Evolution and Belief in Human Affairs

该资源由用户: 无冬驰逸 上传  举报不良内容

John Avise presents a review of contemporary molecular biology which is quite accessible to the `lay` reader with some prior exposure to the general area of evolutionary-genetics. The discussions are somewhat philosophically charged (i.e. they do not remain necessarily technical) and touch upon social, emotional, and theological issues too. However, there is no attempt at actively engaging the theistic implications of modern genetics; the book remains focussed on the biological & behavioural aspects. Avise basically elaborates on notion of the "Selfish Gene" which seeks to `immortalize` itself by using individuals as `ephemeral` vehicles for perpetuation. Using this point of view, the book reviews the basic doctrines of genetics & evolution, the genesis & replication of life/genes, genetic disorders & benefits, gene replication strategies (including sexual reproduction & death), nature vs. nurture issues, and gene-therapy. Avise`s style is engaging, clear, & succint - and never pedantic. The accompanying glossary is very useful for non-biologists to fallback onto when reading the more technical sections. I only wish that the notes for each chapter had been foot-notes rather than being located to the end of the book (but this is a purely personal preference). Overall I definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in acquainting herself with recent advances in molecular biology, evolutionary genetics, and genetic engineering - and its implication to modern human thought, philosophy, and civilization.

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Genetic Gods Evolution Belief Human Affairs


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The Genetic Gods: Evolution and Belief in Human Affairs
