Applied OpenStack Design Patterns: Design solutions for production-ready infrastructure with OpenStack components

该资源由用户: 桃花雅懿 上传  举报不良内容

Learn practical and applied OpenStack cloud design solutions to gain maximum control over your infrastructure. You will achieve a complete controlled and customizable platform.Applied OpenStack Design Patterns starts off with the basics of OpenStack and teaches you how to map your application flow. Application behavior with OpenStack components is discussed. Once components and architectural design patterns are set up, you will learn how to map native infrastructure and applications using OpenStack. Also covered is the use of storage management and computing to map user requests and allocations. The author takes a deep dive into the topic of High Availability and Native Cluster Management, including the best practices associated with it. The book concludes with solution patterns for networking components of OpenStack, to reduce latency and enable faster communication gateways between components of OpenStack and native applications.What you will learn: Modern cloud infrastructure design techniquesComplex application infrastructure design solutions Understanding of various OpenStack cloud infrastructure componentsAdoption and business impact analysis of OpenStack to support existing/new cloud infrastructureUse of specific components of OpenStack which can integrate with an existing tool-chain set to gain agility and a quick, continuous delivery modelWho is this book forSeasoned solution architects, DevOps, and system engineers and analysts.

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OpenStack Design Applied Patterns solutions production ready infrastructure components


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Applied OpenStack Design Patterns: Design solutions for production-ready infrastructure with OpenStack components
