Crop Circles Revealed, Language of the Light Symbols

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Unravel these intriguing crop circle mysteries for yourself, with help from two authorities on this baffling phenomenon: Unlock their secret, otherworldly messages Discover the technology behind their dynamic creation Read first-hand accounts by those who have actually witnessed the creation of these enigmas Learn how to differentiate a genuine crop circle from a hoax Research the ancient sacred geometries and mathematical wizardry used to formulate these remarkable patterns Explore the link between the crop circle, the Holy Grail and the esoteric bloodline of Christ, the House of David Receive insights directly from Tolktan, a galactic Mayan prophet, and White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman, a powerful Native American spirit Special meditation section: The healing energies of powerful star glyphs and transmissions will help you transform your world into a new heaven on Earth.

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Crop Circles Revealed Language Light Symbols


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Crop Circles Revealed, Language of the Light Symbols
