Wishful Thinking

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How do you ditch your Fairy Godmother?Philomena Swann needs to find out—and fast. Why? Because Phil and her two sisters are 1/8th Fairy—not enough to give them magical powers but sufficient to rate them a fairy godmother from hell—so reckless with her wand they all live in fear of the birthday wishes she grants.All Phil wants is to make a wish so small and insignificant it won`t mess up her life. But after a horrible day she accidentally shouts out a wish to speak her mind...and then finds she can`t stop. Between telling everyone exactly what she thinks and trying to deal with her eccentric grandmother who`s been brewing botched love potions to catch herself a man, Phil has her hands full.When she starts finding out some startling things about the people in her life—such as how her hot and hunky co-worker and best friend Josh really feels about her—Phil knows she`s made a wish that will change her world forever.If it...

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Wishful Thinking


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Wishful Thinking
